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Best Mice Control Chicagoland


In Chicagoland, dealing with rodents in your home, business, and vehicles is a genuine concern. Rodent infestations occur quickly and are incredibly common in Illinois because of climate change and urban growth. When it is cold and wet, mice want to find shelter indoors to survive the harsh Illinois winters. Mice are not picky and will find their way into attics, garages, sheds, dryer vents, cabinets, pantries, storage shelters, and vehicles. Due to the immense reproduction efforts of mice, as soon as anything suspicious is identified, a call to our Chicagoland Pest Control Company should occur without hesitation. Mice breed multiple times a year, leading to population concerns for Illinois residents, which is why working with the experts initially is the best way to mitigate concerns about mice infestations. Bigfoot is the most respected and requested mice extermination company in Chicagoland. There is no mice infestation that is too big or too small for us to take seriously and address with urgency.

Waiting can mean an even more invasive infestation, often damaging materials and structures and forcing owners to file insurance claims. When it comes to mouse infestations at your home or business, never wait to get the help you need. Bigfoot is available and experienced in working throughout Chicagoland, specializing in mouse infestations and removals. Bigfoot takes mouse infestations seriously, and we are dedicated to serving all our Illinois customers and helping them eliminate their mice problems!

Signs of Mice Infestations

If you hear sounds in your walls, it may very well be mice! There are other signs to watch for, and identifying these early may save you time, money, and inconvenience.

Mouse droppings

Mouse droppings are excrement that may be observed in chimney spaces, attics, basements, drawers, cabinets, pantries, and near water heaters. Mice don’t make their homes without causing damage, so there may also be visible evidence of them chewing through nearby materials. Mice are looking for somewhere temperature-controlled for shelter and will use materials from many sources to provide bedding and additional heat in their shelter. Materials mice chew through include plastic, wood, wires, cardboard, insulation, and anything else they can gnaw their teeth on. Like some other animals, mouse teeth continually grow, so they must constantly chew to adapt.

Scratching and Scurrying at Night

Mice are more active at night, so listening for sounds of possible mice in your structure is essential. Screeching, scurrying, and scratching will be evident when you hear them. Imagine mice with sharp nails running behind the walls or in the attic; this is precisely what it sounds like and is easily identified. If mouse infestations are not addressed quickly, these sounds will increase because mice breed continually and have litters frequently within your structure.

It is critical to address suspicions of mouse infestations immediately—waiting will cause more damage and will not go away on its own! Contact our expert Pest Control technician today if you have noticed possible mouse droppings anywhere in or near your home or have heard any evidence of mouse activity in your walls, attic, or another part of your Illinois home or business.

mouse droppings signs of mice infestation
mouse droppings signs of mice infestation

Effective Mouse Control in Chicagoland

Mice Infestations Keeps Other Pests Away

We want our Chicagoland customers to know that pests invite pests. Mice infestations will attract other pests, which is another reason to address concerns of mouse infestations immediately.

Bed bugs, mites, fleas, ticks, and other unsanitary pests eventually appear anywhere mice have infested an area. As pest infestations grow, there is more risk to families and those who reside and work in the structures with infestations. Bigfoot Pest Control never wants an Illinois family or business to experience sickness and disease from untreated pest infestations.

Mouse droppings and urine are full of disease and can spread easily through bacteria that can get on food in cabinets or anywhere pests go with it on their feet. Additionally, if humans or pets are tracking these droppings unknowingly, these can get into the house and become a problem that must be addressed.

Did you know that insurance agencies often consider a vehicle infested with mice a write-off? That is because mice are dirty, carry disease, and spread disease. Eliminating a vehicle of mice excrement without taking the entire vehicle apart is almost impossible, and it often costs more than the car’s value. If you are concerned about mice in your car, contact Bigfoot to help us determine the next steps. We are mice experts and can help all our Illinois customers.

Chicagoland Can Rely on Bigfoot Pest Control for Mice Infestations

We are here to serve Chicagoland residents and businesses and help eliminate concerns about mice infestations. We understand the urgency of these concerns, which are warranted due to mice’s continual reproduction and the damage they do to a home! Mice chew anything, which can adversely affect electrical wiring and insulation and damage other appliances. Some house fires have been caused by damage done by mice when chewing through newspapers, garbage, fabric, and other nest-building materials nearby. Mice infestations should not be taken lightly and addressed as soon as there are suspicions of one.

The good news is that Bigfoot Pest Control has successfully exterminated small and large mouse infestations throughout Chicagoland. After more than 30 years of service in the area, we know the lay of the land and unique things to look for in Illinois mouse infestations. We have the local knowledge and understanding that allow us to get the job done right the first time.

We are the preferred and most requested mice control service in Illinois, and we are committed to providing excellence on every call. We will take care of your mice problem, and we guarantee it!

Contact us today for a free inspection, and let us help you handle your mice concerns!